So without further delays, this is the top 20 games in 2012.
Honorable Mentions:
The first Honorable Mention goes to Street Fighter X Megaman, a brilliant Freeware game that first started as a fangame and later became an official product published by Capcom, I'm not this huge fan of Megaman, though I do have some fond memories of Megaman X for the Super Nintendo, the game is a homage to the old NES days (like if we didn't already had that with Megaman 9 and 10, no offense to megaman fans everywhere) and over the basic willy and evil robot masters formula, you have M.Bison and the Street Fighters and get to have each off their powers (BONUS: Akuma/Gouki is a boss), though this game is a no brainer, Street Fighter X Megaman is a great gift for the Megaman fans.
The second and final Honorable Mention goes to Street Fighter X Tekken, the gameplay of this game is great and how they managed to incorporate the Tekken characters into a 2D enviroment worked, the game manages to be simple and complex at the same time with a great tag system; the gem system which is a great tool for battles and tournaments as even when you choose the same characters, the gems can make a difference; the scramble battle mode which was fun at most and the pandora which works as a method of escape and can really make a difference in the last minutes of a fight (unless, your friend jumps from corner to corner like a retard trying to escape from you); The problem is how the game becomes repetitive, the On disc DLC whom some of them aren't supposed to be available on Xbox but are on the game's code and how some of the characters are broken. Ah capcom.
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance
One of the few KH titles that isn't a spin-off, Kingdom Hearts 3D is a great game for your portable system, introducing the hack n slash RPG series to the 3DS, this game is really addicting and how there are so many additions compared to the previous games for the PS2, most notably the Dream Eaters and the Dream Drop gauge; This game is stylish, beautiful and frenetic, but it suffers a problem like any other Kingdom Hearts game: The main character has little to no dimension, the story is just flat out dumb and let's not forget the legion of Fangirls this series brought to us...Fanfiction is gross; Now all that the Kingdom Hearts fans have to do is wait for their Kingdom Hearts 3, I hope they release it to Steam and so they can make a humble bundle with Half Life Episode 3.
Papo & Yo
People when they talk about Sony's interaction with indie devs, they always mention Journey, but when this topic comes to my mind, Papo & Yo is the game that I think about; You control Quico whom has a monster that is following him, the monster can be helpful sometimes, but when he sees and eats a frog, you better run; The game relies on platforming and puzzles to progress so Quico can escape the monster from hurting him, even though the graphics are mediocre when you compare to other games for the console, you can't complain about the art direction and the favela setting they chose for the game, not to mention it's simple yet deep story, it actually made me reflect about myself as like Quico, I suffered the same problems as he has, I won't spoil anything but the ending is shocking; Papo & Yo is a simple game with a deep sight on a problem on society while still maintaning an elegant artstyle and basic level design.
Persona 4 Arena
Blending ATLUS' amazing RPG series with the frentic fighting and well done character models by Arc System Works, Persona 4 Arena is epic; The Persona ability is well implented into the game and each character plays different from each other with some actually well done balance that they putted on their characters compared to Nintendo's Super Smash Bros which is filled with clones such as Fox & Falco and Captain Falcon & Ganondorf, and how Capcom can't make a single fighter that doesn't feature a broken character (who doesn't remember how frustrating it was to face Cable in Marvel vs Capcom 2? Let's not forget Iceman who can't get a slight bit of damage while defending).
The avid fighting fan will be pleased with the product, the gameplay is remiscent to old arcade games like Street Fighter Alpha, the Personas work well and each with their own ability , the artstyle looks amazing with it's character models having fluid and color, and the controls are great for those that are still new for the fighting genre.
Mark of The Ninja
Klei Entertainment is a company that often pleases me, when they developed Shank, I became interested on them, now with Mark of The Ninja, I can say they are one of the best indie devs in the gaming market; I have to say that their formula of a 2D Stealth game sounded something that by today's stanards, would be outdated; In my surprise, it worked, this indie game brings a challenge to the player as they cannot fight their enemies face-to-face but rather in a one hit stealth kill, the AI is smart and the game blends the stealth of games like Dishonored where stealth is very dependable with a retro cartoony platformer layout similar to Ninja Gaiden.
If you want a game that makes you feel like a ninja and offer some hard challenges to the hardcore gamer, buy this game.
Do me a favor, sell your Ninja Gaiden 3 that costs like 25 dollars preowned and buy this for 15 dollars, imagine what you can do with the 5 dollars that is left on your pocket, I bet you can buy a mansion and a Jetpack.
Assassin's Creed III
Ending the Assassin's Creed saga, the new title is a golden key to the series, sure it can't beat Assassin's Creed II (aka the pretty boy of the series), but it actually brings a lot of effort to this new game; The story plays nicely, the Connor character is interesting and the game looks gorgeous; The idea of putting an Assassin's Creed game on a considered "modern" setting for the series was overall genius; The hunting mechanic played it's role nicely and the ability to steal your enemy's weapon feels great, yes, you could do that in Assassin's Creed II, but could you steal the enemy's gun shoot at it's face and then use the bayonet of the gun to stab the other enemy to death? No you couldn't.
My only complain goes to the ending, many people talked about Mass Effect's ending being bad, but when I saw the Desmond ending...Yeah...
Borderlands 2
The first Borderlands was good, but it lacked substance as nobody gave a damn to the story and the characters weren't interesting; The second borderlands, however, changes everything, with a story written by Anthony Burch, the creative mind who brought Hey Ash, Watcha Playing? , a fun multiplayer and a vast area to explore, Borderlands 2 is actually better than it's predecessor.
The character development and the black humour of the story is well played, even the little characters that are insignificant have some interesting details and they even gave the characters from the first game some rather interesting personalities compared to their first appearence where they had the personality of a plastic shell , this shows that Gearbox has put a lot of value during the game's development.
Each class plays great (except you, Commando, nobody likes you), the AI is well developed, the difficulty is hard and often crushes you (no matter what happens, Second Wind is your friend, especially on single player) and the mix of RPG, FPS and Sandbox game that the Borderlands series incorporates is brilliant; Though If I see another Angry TMP on my loadout or during scavenging, I swear to god I'll shove these things up Handsome Jack's asshole.
Let's not Forget the ammount of easter eggs the game has.
Far Cry 3
This game overshadows the previous Far Cry installments and quickly makes the player forget about Far Cry 2; The graphics in this game are stunning, they are Crysis 2 level graphics, ranging from the water's brightness in the game to the overall jungle areas in the island of the game, the engine of this game made the Island of this installment possible, as it's a huge vast area full of vibrant colours, tatooed enemies and underwater caves.
The main antagonist is possibly the star of this game, as his sadistic ways and attitude upon his enemies is what makes Vaas so appealing, with his definition of insanity marking the player and the character's minds through out the game as the insanity is what affects the story, making the character think wheter or not is he being a monster for doing such atrocities to save his friend and tries to mantain sane for all of the events that are happening.
The gameplay is also easy and quick to understand, especially as the game is an FPS, but makes the player think of plans to takedown their enemies, because trust me, it isn't easy to beat an enemy, especially dogs, god damn it, why are dogs so annoying in video games.
For those who are Minecraft fans, I say to buy the PC Version as you can download the Minecraft skin for this game and experience the violence of Far Cry 3 in the eyes of bloody blockyness pleasure.
Dishonored is an amazing experience in a dark way; the city of Dunwall is a star in this game, the City 17 of Dishnored, the moral system might be average compared to what you can do in Sucker Punch's inFamous or Bioware's Mass Effect series, the game is still creative and challenging at most, especially on your reliance on Stealth and Corvo's powers, Arkane did a great job on putting this game which mixes Steampunk with French monarchy; the combination of powers and corvo's equipment is a well done mechanic and often executes flawlessly.
This is a game where you must think twice before doing your acts and often says to you to use stealth over brute force, though character interaction could have been better.
Even though Dishonored is a game that features some cliches that are mostly featured in a Bethseda game, it still manages to pull out a very different approach.
X-COM: Enemy Unknown
Firaxis is an interesting dev and with their new reenactment of X-COM, the game is one of the few RTS I've played since Starcraft and I loved it; How you can customize your characters and support during missions, the way the ant farm elements play, how they treat the dead soldiers at war on the game which was sort off used as a marketing campaing too and how the game plays itself is amazing; Firaxis is a great development team and moving them to something not having the name Sid Meier all over it was a great tactic; This game shows that the FPS reboot is not even needed and that video game companies should stop being money whores and worried about the product without rebooting as an FPS, no offense I sort off liked Syndicate, but how game companies are thinking nowadays of always adding a shooting element to anything is becoming a bit annoying.
Telltale's The Walking Dead: Season One
This game is excellent in any possible form, it shows AAA drama in a game and actually makes the gamers feel something for the characters when they play this; The Walking Dead proves that too make a realistic game, you don't need fancy graphics, you need a development throught out the story, that each character needs a backstory, emotion and heart.
The game is quite depressing and though I like the TV Show, the game manages to surpass it, Lee is an enjoyable character that can easily be a better character than Rick Grimes.
Telltale's Walking Dead debunks the fact that Point N Click games are dead and that they can't keep up pace or be interesting in the modern ages, that you can't die in them and that games can't be a form of art, this is a huge step forward to Telltale after the Jurassic Park fiasco and I'm looking forward to Season Two.
See you, Space Cowboy.
Other games to mention:
Resident Evil Revelations, Prototype 2, Sleeping Dogs, FTL: Faster Than Light, Soul Calibur V, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, The Amazing Spider-Man, Lollipop Chainsaw, Ghost Recon (would have put on the list, if it wasn't for the fact Ubisoft can't handle the fact about used games and blocks full access to online), Rhythm Thief, 30-Second Hero, Fall For Cybertron, Transformers Prime and so much more.
Happy 2013
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