quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2013

First Impressions of Metal Gear Rising

Metal Gear Rising was one of the main games that appeared on my top 10 list of games that I'm waiting for in 2013, though I was bothered with the idea they ignored Kojima's request a game with Frank Jaeger (AKA Gray Fox) as the main character, seeing how ever since he got killed by Metal Gear REX and Liquid Snake (and his sexy blonde hair) he was never explored again (With the exception of his appearence in Peace Walker), talk about bad luck (In fact, being Frank must be the shittiest life anyone can ever had. You're a cyborg ninja, yet a Secret Agent which has nothing but his fists and guns completely humiliates you on battle; You killed your parents; You fucked with your sister's life when you get killed; You got killed, in a way where it looked like you were an ant stepped on a boot; You can't talk about Zanzibar or else you will have a seizure and the list goes on)...

So, I played the game in an Xbox 360 device as opposed to the Playstation version which is considered by Platinum Games, the true version of Metal Gear Rising and what I have to say is that this game, although opposed to the Metal Gear formula and also disappointing to the eyes of Metal Gear Fans at the VGAs, is outstanding.
The way how Raiden serves justice and causes humilliation towards his enemies makes him a great anti-hero, but still ruins the family man aspect the character was supposed to have, and the whole I'm doing this for my family thing...doesn't sound right (To me, it's Raiden's way of saying I'm going to pretend I'm home while my wife is away but in reality I'm in a bar).

The blade of Raiden's katana slashing through it's enemies feels amazing, this isn't any typical hack n slash in which your steel sword can cut the background, Metal Gear Rising gives you free reign over your slashing that sometimes might be a fun distraction during gameplay (Or Not, like this one time where I first started as the new Raiden and I accidentaly cut down the stairway I'm supposed to go, after wenting through a deep analysis that has gone further to almost finding the meaning of life, I discovered that I was the world's biggest dumbass until I find out there was another passage to the game which thankfully avoided me from restarting).
The game feels fluid on speed and most of the Quick Time Events, though scripted, feels great and unique, especially how they tend to be over-the-top and gives the Metal Gear players a great sight for a new series.
Though the series tends to focus on the hack n slash element, it still makes the player go through stealth sections and this game can be somehow compared to Batman Arkham City, with one section being a lock down arena beatdown and the other being a ninja stealth section which requires one button to stab your enemies, this section actually made me feel happy as they sticked towards the stealth formula the Metal Gear series is mostly known for, while improving to make it feel more like the ninja that Raiden is; Though, I shouldn't get too happy about it, maybe later in the game they will do the exact same thing they did to MGS4 and only focus on action that will vaporize the stealth sections.

Now I don't know if this happens on the PS3 version, but I noticed during the Metal Gear REX fight that
when I cutted it's shield protecting the feet from pieces to atoms, I noticed a huge drop on the framerate (So huge that I honestly thought the game was going to freeze and display a message saying "Fuck you") and the game's original purpose was to have 60 FPS, I'm not actually experiencing much of that, I will say it's mostly around 50 FPS.

Overall I think this is the game that I was looking forward to this year, it pleases both Platinum Games fans and Metal Gear fans with it's great approach torwards the hack n slash genre while still mantaining characteristic to Raiden's personality; I have been looking torwards some reviews around this game and there are currently complains about the lenght, I don't know if this will affect me as this game looks like something you would replay a lot in your free time.
The only complain I have currently is how it's story is a bit weak in Metal Gear stanards, I acknowledge that the hack n slash formula might have backed out the story elements, but, I was hoping that Kojima Productions would do something about it and bring a great Metal Gear story that would actually fascinate the player and bring a new mythos to Metal Gear.
I think that what could have backed out was the stylish gameplay.

See You, Space Cowboy...

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