segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013

Gaming Predections: The 8th generation of gaming

With the announcement of the Playstation 4 yesterday coming rather out nicely, there have been some arguments on the internet recently (Going from people saying wheter the Xbox 720 might pull out something different to some Brazilian douchebags that calls the Wii U as a baby console and still thinks that one day he will go to Disneyland with his imaginary girlfriend AKA pillow with a picture of Yoko from Gurren Lagann); I can affirm to you, that with the PS4 it's proven that the industry is growing  rapidly though there can be a secret threat though, and that is the game console trying to become a smartphone by implenting social networks and a really different user interface.
Online is getting rather dependent which sorta scares me off as it seems like everyone in the planet is trying to be a PC.
Graphics are factors to a console but if a gaming company thinks that this is a way to make games more "realistic", then they should take some character and story development with Telltale.

Now, let's start with what I think will be the next-gen:

The PS4 looks brillaint, it's promises sound great and the first few games released did make me catch an eye for them (Even though my inner rage is spreading a bit after seeing the announcement of an inFamous game without cole), though the game will be at first like the PS3 (AKA no gamez HURDIHURDIHURDI -4Chan user), it will get a dedicated fan base and some really good games, unfortunately, everyone will start sucking dick to Microsoft.
Because DirectX.
Though, the PS4 will still be considered a great console towards gaming, and it's many options and how it's region unlock, will satisfy a bunch of people around the world.
However, the Internet will shame it's image, like the case with the PS3 and PS2, that is mostly given because how they seem to gather more trust with Microsoft due to their experience in making PCs and in consequence of this experience that Microsoft has, most gamers around the web will go to the microsoft option.
This is also supported by the fact of Call Of Duty, where Activision strongly supports that the Xbox 360 version is the best towards the other versions.

Wii U:
The Wii U is the one that won't be as powerfull as the PS4 and Xbox 720, but that's ok, because even with the limitations, a being's imagination can surpass all the borders of limitations, that was the case of Suda51 and No More Heroes.
I can see the Wii U being a great indie platform due to it's partnership with Unity, a lot of PC RTSs being well adapted to the console like Firaxis' XCOM and there will be PS4 and Xbox 720 , there will be games ported to it even with the UE4 (Seriously, there is adaptation for everything, if Capcom could port the MT Framework into the 3DS and Vita, then Epic Games can as well port the UE4 to Wii U. BTW, the Elemental demonstration on PS4 looked nothing impressive compared to PC and the inFamous Second Son trailer looked better polished; Sure UE4 is going to be unpolished on the Wii U but hey, it works).
The Wii U will become the PS3 of this era, good console but overall companies will only port games into it due to how it's less powerfull than the new Xbox 720 or the PS4.
However, thanks to the support of the Indie companies and the JRPG audience, the Wii U will hold out just fine, as the PS4 seems to be approaching Microsoft's direction, by calling out Western companies like Blizzard to make their games.
Sony used to have a large support over the Japanese audience, but because of this new direction, the Japanese customers because of their different tastes, won't be satisfied; Not even Knack can save them, since the game, even though made by the Japan Studio, approaches more towards an american taste;
And With the support of Unity, the Wii U will allow more indie companies to approach their games.
Nintendo won't be doomed by the fact of the Japanese market and because of how their brand and their handheld approach are so effective towards the market, the 3DS will help Nintendo mantain the market and if they go to the sony direction and make new IPs as well as hire other Western companies; Nintendo might be just safe.

Xbox 720:
The crotch kicker is here, even though it's Slightly more powerful than the PS4, companies will still take this as the better console due to it's DX11 support and we will see as the Wii U and the PS4 getting port after port while the X720 will still have the "superior" versions.
Microsoft will still have the same tactic: pull out a Halo Trailer with Master Chief and a new Hat, invest on 3rd party games that are already on PCs and other platforms and finally, Kinect crap that nobody gives a damn at E3.
I don't hate Microsoft but it's always been the same, they never think and say "Hey, you know what would be good? If we make a franchise that appeals to everyone like Sony does", no, what they do is instead is milk Cortana's tits to death in order to make a new Halo which though is pretty awesome, it needs a rest, we already stopped the war and the idea of making a new trilogy seems nice but the idea of bringing Convenants back isn't smart and how they already copyrighted Halo 5,6 and 7; This is worse than the time where we almost had 9 Shrek movies.
The Xbox will be the "hardcore" console, which will feature a vast 3rd party library and a preference for EA Games and Shooters from Call of Duty to Army of Two.
Don't get me wrong, I do think the Xbox 720 will be good, but it doesn't hype me like Sony or Nintendo, Microsoft needs to branch out and focus on exploring new ways and create games that can attract all audiences without the need of the kinect.

Whew, that was it.
The new generation is approaching and the price seems to be a problem as the consoles seem to getting more pricy than Gaming PCs (You know like the 80s and the 90s in an alternate dimension), all these companies will prevail and as much as people say it, this won't be the home consoles or Nintendo's last stand (saying that makes you look like one of those douchebags that say Home Theater shall destroy Cinemas, really people, it's just an half assed DVD with better audio quality).
And we all know that one day, Gabe Newell shall release Episode 3 for all the consoles and peace will be restored.

See You, Space Cowboy...

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2013

Antichamber Review

It has been a long time since I don't do a post on this blog, I have my reasons why but why waste time on it; I have to say that I'm one of the few people in the universe that hasn't played an indie-game that isn't Castle Crashers or Minecraft (Which to be completely honest, I never got to approach more into the game since I barely could do a shit on it, I once built a house and my friend asked: "Why did you build a Water Closet?").
But everything changed when I came upon one game, one game so fucked up that even John Lennon can say   that this game was one of his acid trips; That game is Antichamber, a game so mindbreaking that you're going to doubt everything from making new paths to discovering that a duck might be a rabbit.

Antichamber is one of those games that has a Valve touch on it as it can be compared to games such as Portal without leaving a trace of being anything near a Portal show-off, as this game is completely different and how it's interaction to the enviroment is so huge it's simply jawdropping; The game has this sort of moral mechanic as you often see puzzles that can change everything and how it leads to so many paths, Antichamber manages to be so simplistic yet so complex.

The game's gameplay is often focused on Pathlike puzzles whom many of them most be solved with Colored guns whom have all sorts of abilities, one version of the gun can be something completely unexpected or something that is enchanced and can help you further in the game; The game is a living pathway and each path you take might be something that you can take hours to do it as you are stuck, the puzzles and paths can mess up with your brain and psychology and have you question things in life after you're done with it (Like what are you? ; What is your objective; Are you a human being or a furless monkey that is trapped by other peoples belief  that you're a human being; How many licks does it take to a totsie pop; How can Daniel beat the guy in Karate Kid with a kick to the face if it was against the rules, and I think these questions are too complex for you); The game is often simplistic and offers thousands of ways for you to conquer it, showing that surpassing obstacles might be hard but when you have confidence and find a way to beat it, you can see that things that are often considered hard can have the easiest of solutions (You'll be surprised how there is an easy way to beat this game in a question of minutes).

The Game's Artstyle is a living masterpiece of art, it really shows how it can incorporate things that you often see in a museum with so much interactivity (I really hope the game appear in the Smithsonian museum someday) in a simple yet provocative cel-shaded artstyle, that can be colorful and psychodelic too due to it's strong tones; The tips in the game are like proverbs that you see in school or in a fortune cookie and the tips are often seen as a sight of a human being living through these proverbs and acknowledging it.
What I can say about this artstyle is that it's often make me compare to the simplism of cubist like art (AKA that artstyle that you learn in school, whom your teachers make it look shit compared to graffiti or a work by Da Vinci or Van Gough but when given to someone creative, in this case the Game's developer, you can actually see what is the point of it) and I can see the reason why they chose it is to make the game show feelings to the gamer by only assosciating with colours.

Now to what is probably the most intense and calm part of the game, the soundtrack, which feels like something that came out of Peter Gabriel and Genesis; It really fits the enviroment and how smooth the sounds can be, it's something that shows what the game feels like; Siddhartha Barhoorn did give this soundtrack a touch and has that distinctive feel from any other soundtrack you see in a game, I strongly suggest for people to buy Antichamber Suite on Bandcamp (Believe me, it's an anger killer).

Overall, Antichamber was an amazing experience and can really make Valve or any indie dev envy the developer; Yes, Portal and Q.U.B.E will be forever in our hearts, but Antichamber just defies Ebert's logic that games can't be art and shows how something so simple that doesn't use the same technology of a Hollywood  filmmaker can cause something so deep.

I rate Antichamber an 9.5/10

-How it's so artistic
-The deep analysis the game offers
-The amazing soundtrack
-How mindbreaking it is
-Complex puzzles and hard challenges it offers
-It's simplistic graphics

-No cons whatsoever.

See you, Space Cowboy...